Hello there!

I have spent the last 15 years as a trauma specialist doing individual and group transformational work. I have specialized in helping people come to terms with the difficult challenges they have experienced in their lives so that they can rewrite and step into the story of their future with more power, authenticity and confidence. It is such a beautiful experience to watch people cross the bridge between who they have been and who they want to be.

My work has expanded into coaching, consulting and teaching/training transformational leaders to be trauma-informed and undefended leaders. To expand their capacity to lead from an open heart, an aware body and a curious mind.

I was a drama teacher, performing artist and director for many years and had the amazing experiences of helping people work through and then share their stories from the stage. I LOVE helping leaders remember the power of their bodies, their emotions and their words. This remembrance creates incredible magnetization toward them from their ideal clients, ideal collaborators and ideal contracts so that their message can reach more people with more impact.

These skillsets have me uniquely positioned to help fold who are deeply passionate about what they do to breakthrough and transform the stories that have held them back in their businesses and lives and learn how to use their personal stories to increase their impact and influence.

By coming from a place of compassion and curiosity about our own experiences and how they relate to the human experience, our stories become incredible teaching points and models for the power of transformation. When we tell those stories before we've actually done the work, they can come across as forced, uncomfortably intense, or disorganized.

My superpower is getting laser focused on the deeper message you are meant to share with the world, taking you on your own Hero's Journey to recover lost aspects of yourself, reclaim your innate wisdom, and create practices to ignite and sustain you as you step deeper into your personal power and leadership. By knowing yourself deeply you are able to tap in to the deeper layers of your innate wisdom so that you can continue to expand into a life and business beyond your wildest dreams.

My own personal story has driven much of the work that I am currently doing in the world as a coach and catalyst for undefended leadership.

I realized that I wanted to have greater impact and that meant that I would have to re-engage with my own story and access the parts of myself that could help me overcome my fears of showing up BIGGER and BOLDER in the world. I ran into old wounding around fitting in (being a bold, intense, intelligent and outside the box kinda gal). Fears of truly showing up (What if

I don't get it right? What if no one wants what I have to offer? What if I piss people off? What if I get attacked?) Difficulty receiving abundance (thought patterns, bad money habits, lack of self-care etc.). And even more than all of that, I had to really dig deep and take a look at WHO I wanted to BE. What do I need to do on a daily basis to BE who I want to be in the world?

I've done a lot of work on my own stories over the years. A LOT! I am constantly pushing my own edges and the fold that I have met that are doing truly transformational, juicy, incredible work, are also driven to work on themselves. We can only take people as far as we have gone ourselves...and I am here to offer space for you to step into the next level of YOU!

Stop for a moment, take a deep breath and check in with your body. If this sounds like work you are craving to do, let's connect and see if I can support you in your journey.

I am down to earth, direct and yet compassionate and deeply reverent. I am knowledgeable and practice what I preach.

A recent client said this about me "Working with Michelle is like being kicked in the ass, while being hugged and held all at the same time".

I'm not for everyone, but those who take the risk of doing this level of work feel a deep sense of reconnection to their spirit and what they were put here on this Earth to do, and have the vitality, passion and strength to GO FOR IT!

Ready to get started?

Today is the day! Let's do this!

Education and Training:

Acting training at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and have been performing on stages since I was 7 years old

BA Counseling/Psychology (Year long elective training in Hypnotherapy)

MA Counseling/Psychology with a Concentration in Drama Therapy

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist LMFT99852 (although I am not acting as a therapist in any of the work mentioned on this website)


Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Certified EFT and EFT Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

Certified Brainspotting Practitioner and Consultant in Training

Trauma focused trainings such as DBT, IFS, Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies (Linda Thai) and so much more

Embodiment trainings with Jenna Ward of the School of Embodied Arts and Stefana Serafina of the Deep Body Institute (I am also a co-teacher, facilitator at https://www.deepnbody.org )

More information upon request.

© 2023 Neuro-Soma Coaching and Consulting